Dealing With Negative SEO
It’s a fact that the more successful you become, the more you’ll end up antagonising someone and leave yourself (or your website) prone to a negative SEO attack. But negative SEO doesn’t have to always be a result of someone trying to get you. Sometimes a site that gets hacked will suddenly start spamming […]
Top 10 Sites To Share Your Content For Traffic
One of the key components in the current algorithm is how much traffic your site gets. Unless you’re willing to invest into PPC (pay per click) or put some time into the social media behemoths: Facebook and Twitter, it can be difficult to get traffic from other means than the search engines. This can […]
Https – Part 2 Duplicate Content
In a previous post, The Case For Https, I raised the potential issue of duplicate content when switching from http to https. Https is the secure protocol for websites that provides a safer experience for users. It’s important in sites where you need to login with a password. Potential Panda Penalties The major […]
Accelerated Mobile Pages
In February 2016, Google will be rolling out new technology that will allow web pages to load instantly for a mobile user once they have clicked through from the search results. The announcement was first made by Google back in October 2015 here. Page load speeds are critical for user experience. According to Google, […]
[Infographic] The SEO Landscape
Do you keep track of all the latest updates in SEO? It can be hard when there are so many changes taking place. If you’re signed up to my newsletter then you’ll have them delivered into your inbox as they occur. The form is in the bottom right of this page. There can be […]
[Video] Link Building Expert Panel Discussion
Video Notes: 1. Create content around link building so that the search engines understand the context of your links and to make them relevant. 2. What is driving shares? See what is popular and use this. 3. What content from your competitor’s website is being linked to? You don’t need to […]
25 Sites To Get Royalty Free Images For Commercial Use
Good SEO starts with On Page. On Page SEO is where you lay the foundation for your SEO campaigns. Get it wrong and it won’t matter how many press releases, guest posts or blog comments you throw at your site. It won’t rank for your keywords because Google will find other sites that are […]
RankBrain – Google’s Artificial Intelligence
What Is Rankbrain? It’s an artificial intelligence system that Google is using to process its search results. RankBrain was rolled out in early 2015 and has been live globally since. True artificial intelligence only exists in science fiction but as far as RankBrain is concerned, the element of ‘machine learning’ will be used to […]
You Need This To Rank
I’m talking about traffic. And not the organic type that Google sends you. If you want to out rank your competitors, then traffic is a user signal that Google is looking at very closely. And it makes sense. Google’s job is to get as many eye balls onto its paid ads as possible. But […]
10 Sites To Help You Rise Above The Noise
(a.k.a. How To Stand Out From The Crowd) There’s a huge amount of noise online. Everyone is vying for your attention and for good reason. The businesses that understand how to leverage the Internet will have the ability to reach a far greater targeted audience than would be possible through other traditional […]